Sunday, September 11, 2011

Superdonkey's Game of the Week

     Up for review this week is a game that I've spent countless hours on trying to explore every nook and cranny.   It is considered to be one of the best modern games and has a pretty sweet looking sequel coming up soon. My choice for the must play game of the week is The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

     Oblivion starts out as almost all Bethesda games do. SUPRRISE! Your a prisoner. The game then  unfolds into a tutorial level on navigating the new found tunnels of the prison in order to escape from the sewers. From there the story is up to you. You can either follow the Emperors order's and go to a man called Jaufree, or you can ignore him entirely and go do whatever the hell you want. There are about 5 main quest paths in the game, each of them belonging to a different guild or faction. You can complete all of these if you want but doing so is going to eat out a large chunk of your life. I'm fine with it if you are. The main story quest in oblivion wasn't anything too special for me, but some of the sidequest and the other factions quests were just simply amazing. 

These just get plain annoying after a while.

     Oblivion looked pretty damn good when it first came out, but sadly age hasn't done it any justice. They tried to use a more realistic art style, and it worked out, until other games did it bigger and better. Oblivion isn't too bad to look at but there are some things that will just make you cringe, particularly the faces. If you play it on PC you have the option to fix all this by downloading face mods, texture packs, and other graphical enhancements. It's sort of necessary to play on PC in my opinion, mainly because the modding community is so huge, and there are so many great mods out there.

Get away from me you monster!

     Sounds is another thing that oblivion could have worked on. It all sounds good in the first hour of play. But past that and you'll have heard every sound the game has to offer. The music is almost the same everywhere you go and there is only about 2 battle songs that play throughout the entire game. This got incredibly annoying to me and thankfully there were a lot of mods to fix my problem.

     Gameplay in this game is, for the most part, entertaining. It's basically set up as an FPS with swords, bows, and magic. It sounds good on paper, and works very good in the beginning, but as you advance in levels it gets pretty frustrating slashing your enemy 50+ times with your badass sword of doom, and only take half of his health away. Some of the spells have problems too, they move very slowly so casting them at range is almost impossible, Thankfully again, the modding community saves the day with some excellent mods that fix nearly everything about the game.

With mods you can be anyone you want to be.

     Oblivion is a pretty good game, if you download the good mods for it. If you don't have a decent PC to play this on i would suggest shying away from it unless you can just look past all the bad parts. You'll get at least forty hours out of this game, and at the price it is now, it's a pretty decent value.

Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 6
Sounds: 6
Value: 8

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Long long week

Well you can thank the good ole USAF for me not really having anytime to post this week. I'm off to bed for now, (Gotta love working nights) but there will def. be a new post up sometime today. In the meantime here is a great look at the new battlefield game for you all to enjoy.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Superdonkey's Game of the Week: Civilization 5

     Well first and foremost i'm not exactly a big fan of the Civ. series. the only other one i've played is Civilization 2 and it was just downright confusing to me, so i barely touched it after that. Steam somehow managed to lure me in though, so I decided, "Eh, what the hell?" and picked it up. I've got to say that all the confusing amounts of data, and extremely complex gameplay have been dumbed down more or less. You no longer need to be an RTS genius to play the series and to me that's a good thing. All of the hardcore Civ. players say it has been casualized but i would say it has been more streamlined than anything. The game comes with great tutorials too, to teach beginners, such as myself, all the basics of gameplay.

Your looking at the most badass leader in the game right here.

     Gameplay in this game is very wide and varied. You really have thousands of different options to choose how you want your civilization to be. You could be a military superpower, a peace-loving diplomat, or even the most technologically advanced empire in the world. You really can play the game anyway you want to and have it still be fun. In my first playthrough, i decided to make my people evil scientific genius-overlords. By the time the rest of the world was just discovering gunpowder, i had already sent rockets into space and was on the way to developing nuclear weapons. Needless to say, other nations saw me as a threat. So there i was just tending to my science on day when about three armies of the surrounding nations starts attacking one of my city-states with their primitive muskets and knights. So i send in some modern day infantry and completely destroy their armies with about two units. I haven't finished this playthrough yet, but i'm pretty sure that i'm going to dominate the world.

I wish i could choose GLaDOS as my leader.

     As you can see above the graphics aren't really anything special, but this isn't some guns blazing hyper realistic FPS either so you can't expect too much. The sound is pretty much in the same ballpark. Nothing really strikes me as outstanding, and i'm sure most of the sounds are recycled from the old Civ. games. Be that as it may, you dont play this game for quality sound and graphics you play it for the creative aspect of it, so i'll let it slide a bit in my rating.


     Only a few things bugged me about the game, but some if it could just be my noobness. For one, no matter how hard i tried, i could never seem to make good relations with the other countries. Maybe it's just me but everytime i would try to strike a deal with them they would insult me, and tell me no. So i just killed them instead. Secondly, sometimes when i would choose to attack an enemy the soldiers would just stand there and stare at them, even though they were within attack range, and i hadn't even moved them yet during that turn. Again, it may just be me, but this only happened a few times so i'm just writing it off as a glitch though. With all that being said it is still one hell of a game and i would highly suggest picking it up if you have the cash.

Gameplay : 9.5
Graphics : 6
Sound : 5
Value : 8.5

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Up for Review: World of (you guessed it) Warcraft

     Here we have a game that has seen millions of changes throughout the years, some of them good, some of them just terribly bad. In case you're just new to the internet or have just come out of your bomb shelter from 40 years ago, WoW is the worlds most popular, and largest MMO. It is based off of the warcraft series by blizzard, and currently has over 11.1 million subscribers. I used to be a huge WoW fan, but recently the game has lost a lot of it's appeal to me.

Dem oranges bro, dem oranges.....

     WoW is pretty much the building block for any new MMO to date. At it's core the gameplay sort of goes like this; You create a new character. you do quests which involve a variety of tasks such as killing creatures or retrieving items for NPC's, and then you level up to move onto higher level areas to quest and gain new items in. That is the main reason for WoW's success; you are constantly rewarded. In the beginning years of the game it wasn't as easy to get great gear (this is what your equipment is called). You had to put a lot of time and effort into something as small as a +5 increase to your agility rating. This has been the main reason as to why i don't play WoW as often anymore, because it's becoming so hard so separate the good players from the bad. In the old WoW you could size someone up just by gear alone and 9 times out of ten they would be a good player and follow the tactics of the boss fights to a tee. Now you can have someone who is in amazing gear, but when it's time to take 2 steps out of the fire, they just stand in it like a Buddhist monk in WW2.

"Oh wow my health is pretty low, this healer must suck."

     The graphics of WoW really haven't stood up to the changing of times either. Most everything uses low-res textures, except for the highest levels of gear, and some character models. This can be in part blamed on the enormous player base, as WoW doesn't want to crank up the graphics too much and make the game unplayable to a lot of the players. All in all though it doesn't look too bad for today's standards but seeing how almost every computer nowadays comes with a decent graphics card, they could stand to crank it up a little bit. I can't complain too much about the sound. The original music that blizzard has crafted for this game, is just about some of the best out there. Although, i don't know what possessed them to make your character say something every time you spam a button. Thankfully this can be turned off.

This is the ABSOLUTE best the graphics are going in this game.

     If you haven't yet picked up on WoW i would suggest staying away from it for a bit. At least until they make the game a bit better than it is at it's current state. You have to buy the original game and all three expansions just to play at the current level, and pay a monthly fee of $15 so it's not exactly the best value for a video game as of right now. If the subscription rate drops though i'm sure Blizzard will do something to get new players in, so if you really want to play this game then just wait it out for a bit. As for people who have already played the game. If you played during Vanilla/BC time frame then i wouldn't suggest going back to it. It's just not the game it used to be. If you played during Wrath/ Early Cata then by all means renew. They have added a lot of new things and you just might like it.

Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 6
Sound: 8
Value: 5